Intelligence Board: What health condition(s) does Hillary Clinton have?

Board created by probono on Sept. 13, 2016.
On September 11, 2016, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had to leave a 9/11 memorial service early raising concerns about her health.
Aggregate View (All Evaluations)
She has a diagnosed condition which she has not disclosed to the public
She has an undiagnosed condition
She has dementia
She had a case of pneumonia around 9-11
Sept. 9, 2016 Clinton's doctor diagnosed her with pneumonia and put her on antibiotics Evaluate N/A N/A No Assessments Very Consistent
Sept. 13, 2016 In an interview, Bill Clinton stated that Hillary has "frequently" fainted from dehydration, before correcting himself to say "rarely -- but on more than one occasion" Evaluate Neutral Consistent No Assessments Inconsistent
Sept. 5, 2016 Clinton had a coughing fit during a Labor Day speech Evaluate Consistent Consistent No Assessments Very Consistent
Sept. 12, 2016 Clinton has not allowed a protective press pool to follow her door-to-door leading up the election Evaluate Consistent Neutral No Assessments Neutral
Clinton is 68 years old Evaluate Neutral Consistent Neutral N/A
Sept. 11, 2016 Clinton did not announce her pneumonia diagnosis until after collapsing at the 9/11 memorial service Evaluate Consistent Mild dispute over assessment Neutral Mild dispute over assessment No Assessments Inconsistent Mild dispute over assessment
Sept. 11, 2016 Clinton did not go to a hospital after leaving the 9/11 memorial service, instead she was seen by a doctor at her house Evaluate Consistent Mild dispute over assessment Neutral No Assessments Consistent Mild dispute over assessment
Sept. 11, 2016 Clinton had to leave a 9/11 memorial service early after nearly collapsing Evaluate Consistent Consistent No Assessments Consistent
Sept. 11, 2016 Clinton became overheated and dehydrated at the 9/11 ceremony Evaluate Consistent Consistent No Assessments Consistent
Dec. 31, 2012 Clinton underwent treatment for cerebral venous thrombosis Evaluate Neutral Neutral No Assessments N/A
July 22, 2016 During an interview with the FBI, Clinton blamed a concussion in 2012 for being unable to remember certain meetings Evaluate Neutral Neutral No Assessments N/A
